• precimeter激光液位计ProH CD200R200


     品牌:precimeter  加工定制:是  型号:ProH CD200R200  
     工作压力:100 Mpa 测量范围:0-100m  测量精度:0.1%  
     防护等级:IP68  材质:316L   

    precimeter激光液位计ProH CD200R200

    ProH 激光液位计 – 高精度(亚毫米级)可用于所有熔铸应用

    precimeter激光液位计ProH CD200R200产品简介:

    ProH Laser Sensor

    The intelligent digital laser and camera metal level sensor family from Precimeter is a high performance laser triangulation device developed specifically for its purpose. It will measure on any molten metal surface with a surface temperature below 1000˚C.
    1. No safety measures required.
    2. Stable readings even in difficult environments
    3. Easy installation
    4. Compact design
    5. Laser class 2 approved
    The patented digital camera technology in the Precimeter sensors, results in very high sensitivity, stability and accuracy. This enables the use of class 2 as well as class 3R lasers, which means that no special safety measures are required. It also makes it possible to give stable readings even when the material reflectivity changes dramatically and in harsh conditions with smoke, steam and fire.

    precimeter激光液位计ProH CD200R200产品技术参数:

    Laser sensor type Clearance distance Measurement range Resolution
    CD200R200 200 mm (7.9") 200 mm (7.9") 0.05mm (0.002")
    CD240R325 240 mm (9.4") 325 mm (12.8") 0.08mm (0.003")
    CD450R300 450 mm (17.7") 300 mm (11.8") 0.08mm (0.003")
    CD700R300 700 mm (27.6") 300 mm (11.8") 0.08mm (0.003")
    CD900R500 900 mm (34.4") 500 mm (19.7") 0.122mm (0.005")
    CD800R1500 800 mm (31.5") 1500 mm (59.0") 0.37mm (0.015")
    CD1500R1600 1500 mm (59.0") 1600 mm (63.0") 0.39mm (0.016")
    1. Light source: Laser diode 635 nm (visible red light)
    2. Laser power: < 1 mW, FDA Class II / <5mW FDA Class 3A (3R EN-60825-1-2007)
    3. Sampling frequency: 250 Hz
    4. Configuration interface: RS232C
    5. Analog output: 4-20 mA (optional 0-10 VDC, 0-20 mA)
    6. Power requirement: 18-32 VDC, < 1A
    7. Non-linearity: ±0.2% of Measurement range
    8. Relative humidity: 25-85% (non condensing)
    9. Environmental protection: IP65 (NEMA4)

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